The Joke That Reveals Hollywood’s Dark Side – Career Gear (2024)

The screenwriters starlet joke is one of the oldest and most enduring jokes in Hollywood. It goes something like this: “There is a starlet so dumb that she slept with the screenwriter in hopes of advancing her career.” The joke is meant to mock the screenwriter’s lack of power and influence in the film industry, as well as the starlet’s naivety and desperation. But what is the origin and meaning of this joke, and why does it need to stop?

The History of the Screenwriters Starlet Joke

The joke can be traced back to the early days of Hollywood, in the 1920s and 1930s, when the film industry was dominated by powerful studio executives and producers. These men controlled every aspect of filmmaking, from choosing the scripts, directors, and actors, to editing and distributing the films. They also had the final say in creating and promoting the stars, who were often under contract and had little artistic freedom or autonomy.

Screenwriters, on the other hand, were seen as disposable and interchangeable. They were often hired and fired at will, paid low wages, and given no credit or recognition for their work. They had no control over how their scripts were changed or adapted, and they had no influence over the casting or production decisions. They were also subject to censorship and moral codes that restricted what they could write about.

The joke reflects the power imbalance between screenwriters and studio executives, as well as the sexism and misogyny that pervaded Hollywood at the time. It implies that screenwriters are so low on the hierarchy that sleeping with them would not benefit anyone’s career, unlike sleeping with a producer or a director. It also implies that starlets are so dumb and desperate that they would not know the difference, or that they would resort to such a futile strategy.

The Meaning and Impact of the Screenwriters Starlet Joke

The joke is not only offensive and demeaning to screenwriters and starlets, but also to women and writers in general. It reinforces the stereotypes that women are only valued for their looks and sexuality, and that writers are only valued for their ideas and creativity. It also perpetuates the myth that success in Hollywood is based on who you know or who you sleep with, rather than on your talent or hard work.

The joke also has a negative impact on the quality and diversity of films. It discourages screenwriters from pursuing their passion and expressing their vision, as they feel powerless and unappreciated. It discourages starlets from pursuing their dreams and developing their skills, as they feel objectified and exploited. It discourages women and writers from entering or staying in the film industry, as they face discrimination and harassment.

The joke also reflects a lack of respect and appreciation for the art and craft of screenwriting, which is essential for any film. Screenwriters are not just idea generators or dialogue writers; they are storytellers who create compelling characters, plots, themes, and emotions. They are collaborators who work with directors, actors, and other filmmakers to bring their stories to life. They are artists who deserve recognition and respect for their contribution to cinema.

The Need to Stop the Screenwriters Starlet Joke

The joke is outdated and irrelevant in today’s Hollywood, where screenwriters have gained more power and influence over the years. They have formed unions and guilds to protect their rights and interests, such as getting credit, royalties, and creative control over their scripts. They have also become more involved in producing, directing, or acting in their own films, or creating their own TV shows or web series.

Moreover, Hollywood has become more diverse and inclusive, with more women, people of color, LGBTQ+ people, and other marginalized groups entering and succeeding in the film industry. They have brought new perspectives, voices, stories, and genres to the screen, challenging the stereotypes and norms that have dominated Hollywood for decades. They have also created more opportunities for screenwriters and starlets to collaborate and support each other.

The joke is not funny anymore; it is harmful and harmful. It does not reflect the reality or the potential of Hollywood; it reflects its dark side. It is time to stop telling it, laughing at it, or ignoring it. It is time to change it.

According to Rave Scripts, one possible way to change it is to make it more positive and empowering: “There is a starlet so smart that she collaborated with the screenwriter to create a masterpiece.” This way, the joke celebrates both screenwriters and starlets for their talent and teamwork.

Another possible way to change it is to make it more ironic and subversive: “There is a producer so dumb that he slept with the starlet in hopes of advancing his career.” This way, the joke mocks both producers for their arrogance and incompetence.

The screenwriters starlet joke is not just a joke; it is a symbol of Hollywood’s culture and values. By changing or stopping the joke, we can change or stop the culture and values that it represents. We can create a Hollywood that is more respectful, diverse, and creative. We can create a Hollywood that is more than a joke.

The Joke That Reveals Hollywood’s Dark Side – Career Gear (2024)
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Name: Laurine Ryan

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Introduction: My name is Laurine Ryan, I am a adorable, fair, graceful, spotless, gorgeous, homely, cooperative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.