Der Eisendrache | EE-Guide | Eng (2024)

Main Quest

Side Quests


Difficulty: Medium

Time: approx. 120 Minutes


This easter egg quest can be done withany amount of playersfrom 1 to 4. Around 2 hours depending on you.

Also, the only prerequirements for the easter egg is to have the Wrath of the Ancient wonder weapon, aswell as it’s upgraded versions.

In order to complete the quest, you will need a number of upgraded bows depending on the number of players and the setting of the game.

Here is the most important thing to know :

“Solo (Ranked)- 1 bow

2 players (Ranked)- 2 bows

3 players (Ranked)- 3 bows

4 players (Ranked or Unranked)- All 4 bows

Playing on LOCAL: All 4 bows are required

Having your game on UNRANKED will automatically require all 4 bows for the Easter Egg, no matter how many players you have in the game, so make sure to switch it to RANKED before you start.”

Easter Egg Part 1: The Wrath of the Ancients

Difficulty to craft:Very easy, can be done before round 6

Bow efficiency:Great weapon to begin with until “mid game”, it is necessary to get the upgraded versions. They are way more deadly and required for the main quest.

The wrath of the ancients is a bow thatreplaces one of your weapon, you can simply fire explosive arrows, or charge them to deal more damages. You can also upgrade it, but we will see this further.

To obtain the bow, you must feed3 dragons by killing zombies around it, just like Mob of the Dead back to Black ops 2. You must feed the dragon with 8 zombies.

Important note:You must wait that the animation of eating a zombie is over before killing another one.

When the dragon is fed, it will become a statue again, destroying itself.

Der Eisendrache | EE-Guide | Eng (1)

  • The first dragon is in the courtyard after Double tap, near some stairs, a WunderFizz and mystery box spot.
  • The second dragon is in the church, above the fireplace.
  • The last one is underground, near the pyramid, and the 4 altars.

Now that the 3 dragons are fed, you have to go back upstairs, towards the church. There is a room with a grave with an armor on it. The will of the ancients should be there, ready to handle.

Easter Egg Part 2: The Rune Prison (Fire upgrade for the Wonder Weapon

Difficulty to craft:Medium

Bow efficiency:Medium, charged shot stunning zombies in AoE

You must get to the Clock Tower, get upstairs, and shoot a charged arrow on the marked wall. This one should break down and release the “quest item”.

Now that you have chosen the fire bow

, you must reach the landing pad, with the teleporter. Is it located in the underground cave, past the pyramid device, when coming from the church staircase. Once down there, you must wait for a rocket test to start. A countdown will begin and the doors will be sealed. Stay in the safety of the teleporter area because the thrusters would melt you outside.

As soon as the test is over, you must run outside as the doors are still opening. Look to your right, and shoot at the glowing ball, located slightly above the concrete building.. You have approximately 10 seconds before the ball get out of range. If failed to hit the fire ball, you must repeat the process when the next rocket test occur.

If done correctly, the ball should be flying to the castle, and a freaking sun should have been created up the map. :3

As a second step,

you must shoot at three red circles with a charged arrow. That sounds pretty straight forward, right ? Well you actually have toshoot them while in the air.Use the 4 wunderspheres to do that.

The 4 wunderspheres are:

– On top of the castle, near the death ray

– In the main court, near the church

– In the room above Double Tap

– In the landing pad area.

The 3 circles are:

– On top of the castle, near the death ray, just in front of the wundersphere

– Near the previous circle, beside a wunderfizz spot

– In the upwarding alley, where there is a car, near Double Tap

The circles are glowing while in the air. If you hit them, it remains glowing and a sound can be heard.

My advise: Use the wundersphere of the court to get the Death Ray circle, the wundersphere in the room above Double Tap to get the circle near the clock tower, and the wunder sphere of the death ray / the landing pad to get the last one.

Once this is done, you must stand in the circles and kill zombies. They can be killed anywhere, you just need to be in the circle. A glowing ray of doom will reach the “sun” and a sound will be heard when fullfilled.

Do that for all of the circles, and the step will be completed.

For the third step,

you must get to the clock tower, and Use the clock. A symbol will be highlighted, corresponding to the one in a Fireplace.

There are 3 fireplaces:

– in the church

– in the room upstairs near the first dragon

– near the room of Samantha.

After using the clock, one of the three circles will glow.From this circle, shooting a charged arrow on the ground will spawn a blazing rock. In a total of 3 shots you must bring the stone from the circle to the fireplace. First shot is made from the circle, then stand on the rock and shoot again to move it.

Search for the concerned fireplace, the circle should be the only one lighted up.

I will show you an example for the death ray circle but as a general advise, shoot as far as possible.

Once in the fireplace, interact with the fire to pick up the arrow.

Fourth step,

you must get back to the top of the castle and interact with the “sun” that is now at the same height as you. It will rise and explode, you’ll just have to pick up the reforged arrow left behind.

Final step;

you must get back undergound, and place the arrow on the fire altar. You’ll have to slaughter zombies very close to it until you hear a sound.

Once it’s over, use action button on the arrow, and wait for the animation to be over. A burning trail will raise, then you’ll be able to pick upKreeaho’ahm nal Ahmhogaroc.

Easter Egg Part 3: The Wolf Howl (Spirit upgrade for the Wonder Weapon


Bow efficiency:Medium, Mouse 1 creates a crawler when aiming a full life zombie, usefull.

In order to begin the spirit bow quest, you have to find the right order in a serie of 4 paintings.

You have to interact with the painting, a green symbol will glow, if it disappear it means this is not the right painting. If it’s the right one, your character will speak, and the symbol will remain.

If at your second try you use a painting that isn’t the second one, you’ll have to re-use the first painting, before trying another one as the second one. Gotcha ?

The order of the paintings will always be :

  • The king on his throne with a wolf beside him
  • The king on his horse with his armor on
  • The castle burning with a dark creature in the sky
  • The skeleton of the king

The 4 paints are located:

  • Past Samantha’s room, near the 1500 door.
  • On a balcony in the church.
  • In the clock tower near the stairs.
  • In the room beneath the clock tower, near Mule kick.

    Once completed, go back underground. The wall right on the left after the stairs will be broken, and the item will drop on the floor.

    First step:

    Head to the landing pad and look behind you. There is a flag above the entrance, on the mountain. You have to charge-shoot the base of the flag. It will release a glowing skull, that you have to pick up once it’s on the ground.

    Go back to the altars room, and place the skull on the headless wolf skeleton near the spirit’s altar.

    Second step

    A spectral wolf will spawn, you’ll have to follow him until he stops. He will reveal a little pile of bones, you will have to kill zombies around it.

    Once it’s over, the wolf will scratch it, revealing a piece that you need to pick up before continuing. The wolf will lead you to two others piles.

    He will finally go and stand against a wall in the basem*nt.

    Above the wolf is a hole, with a wolf’s symbol above it, appearing when you wall-run with the anti-gravity mecanism. You have to shoot it when it is lighted up. If done correctly, a platform will rise, where you have to stand and interact with the hole. Re-interact to grab the arrow.

    Final step

    Now that the arrow is in your pocket, head back to the Pyramid and place the arrow on the corresponding altar. Kill a pack of zombies close to it until a sound is played and no more souls enter the altar on kill. Interacting with the arrow will trigger an animation, after wich you’ll be able to pick upKreeholo lu Kreemasaleet

Easter Egg Part 4: Storm (Lightning upgrade for the Wonder Weapon

Difficulty to craft:Easy

Bow efficiency:The most powerful bow (AoE attacks)

To pick up the broken arrow, you have to shoot an arrow on the weatherco*ck, on top of the castle.

First Step

You must ignite 3 woodshed with a charged arrow.

  • One in the landscape of the town bellow, on a hill.
  • One on the castle’s rampart, outside the map. Easily spotted when outside the clock tower, on your right.
  • One on a hill above you when in the landing pad, on your right.

Second step

There are 5 blue symbols on the underground’s cavern walls:

You must wait for an anti-gravity sequence to activate,wall run on them all to activate all 5 of them without touching the ground. If done correctly, they remain blue after the gravity comes back to normal.

Third step:

You must kill 6 zombies next to 3 electrical jars.

– One in the clock tower

– One in the room above Double-Tap

– One in the tunnel that leads rocket to the landing pad

Fourth step

You must electrify the woodsheds you previously lit on fire.To do so, you must aim with your bow at an electrified jar in order to electrify your arrow, then shoot the woodshed. The difficulty here is that you can’t use a jar twice and that you cannot un-aim with the bow or the arrow will cease to be electrified.

Finally, the weatherco*ck on top of the castle should be electrified and yoloying around, you have to press Action on a blue cloud, at the bottom of this tower.

This will give you the Arrow, just like other bows, head back to the altar room and place it on the corresponding altar. Kill a few zombies around it until you can interact with the arrow. After a short animation,Kreema’ahm la Ahmahmwill be yours.

Easter Egg Part 5: Demon Gate (Void upgrade for the Wonder Weapon)

Difficulty to craft:Not very hard, but longer than the others.

Bow efficiency:Powerful (AoE attacks)

To begin this quest, you must charge-shoot an arrow at the void symbol that is located on the roof of the tunnel near Double-Tap. Just above a 1000 points gate.

First step

At this moment, a purple square must have appeared in the trophy room. This one is located beneath the clock tower. You”ll need to melee kill a zombie on that glowing purple square.
After doing so you must interact with the broken tile to release a jar.

Second step

You must find six skulls around the map and interact with them. They are located:

  • On a broken wall near Mule Kick perk
  • On a window outside the church, at the right of the entrance
  • In a toy chest, in samantha’s room
  • On a wall near double tap
  • In a sink in the teleporter room
  • On the truck, at the left of the landing pad

    After picking the 6 skulls up, you must bring 6 crawlers into the circle in the trophy room.
    Just bring the crawler into the circle and the skull will eat him, KAAA KAKAKA KAA KAAA :3

    Then, you gotta shoot the flying jar with a charged arrow. After doing so, a dark demonish voice will say three words. It can be DOOR, ROE, HORN, HEARTH, CROWN or GRIFFIN. You must remember the three words in the right order for a little later. Just write them down on a paper or open a steam chat with a friend on your overlay.

    Third step

    This is one annoying step and what makes the void bow the longest to prepare. You have to kill zombies, no matter how or where and prey to have luck. You have to collect 6 purple symbols that are randomly dropped by the undead..
    When you collect a symbol, it goes on the purple circle but pay attention, the symbol will remain only 5 seconds if you don’t take them ! You can see how much symbols you’ve got, in the purple circle.

    Fourth step

    Once all 6 symbols have been collected, you must head to the corridor between the power lever and Samantha’s quarter.

    There are 6 armors, each one with a symbol in front of them. You must remember the words the dark voice said before and have to use action in front of the three armors with the same symbols. Doing so will spawn purple symbols, that you must remember. The order of the input matter because they change the order of the output.

    In my case i got Crown, Gate and Griffin. Remember them with simple words like, Teeth, Fang, Bow Tie etc ..

    Go back to the purple circle and shoot at the glowing symbols, in the right order.

    If the wrong code is entered, the skulls will attack ( and kill you) if you stay over there. Get out of the room and try again.

    If done correctly the dark voice will said, it is my name.

    To continue, just interact with the tile until you get the arrow. Go back to altars room undeground and place the arrow on the corresponding altar. Kill zombies close to it until you can pickKreegakaleet lu Gosata’ahmup.

Easter Egg Part 6: Main Easter Egg Quest Part 1

The goal of the easter egg is to kill the older version of Dempsey (Ultimis crew). Problem, he is currently cryogenetically held in a rocket heading towards the lunar base on the Moon.

Average time:From 2 hours to 2 hours and a half
Can be done from 1 to 4 players.

First step:

I advise you to read the 2 / 3 next steps before starting this one.

You must take the basic bow. If you got an upgraded one, just interact in front of its altar to drop it. You can then pick up the wrath of the ancients where you found it previously.

Head to the teleporter room and shoot a charged arrow on the 6 blue glowing ball on the teleporter. If done correctly, the balls on the teleporter will turn to a golden – yellow colour.

Second step:

Now you will hear a margwa roar. It means that somewhere on the map, an item has been electrified. You must find this item and shoot it with an upgraded bow. Once done, after a couple of seconds, another roar will be heard and with it, another electrified item. You must shoot 4 items in a total of 8 possible.

  • A car’s wheel near double-tap
  • A phone near Quick-Revive
  • A box in the room above double tap
  • A globe near Samantha’s bedroom. Be careful, there is another globe in the fireplace’s room.
  • A Phone on the wall near the power lever.
  • A clock in the living quarters, near the clock tower.
  • A clock in the church, above the dragon.
  • A radio in the church, on the other side from Speed Cola.

    Roughly until step 10, you will need to do this step each time you skip a round. This step actually allows you to travel back time when using the teleporter, thing that you want to do in steps 3 and 9.

    Third Step

    At this point the teleporter should be charged with a glowing purple light on the pad. All the crew must stand on the teleporter to use it.

    By doing so you will be teleported back in time you’ll be in the same room but in the past. No zombies, no weapons, no problems.

    You must do three things before getting teleported back automatically:

    • Pick up the soul canister at your left
    • Pick up the two fuses at your right, on a box. (The screen has been taken after taking the fuses, so you won’t see em’ ;3 )
    • Remember the password that Dr.Groph will enter on the digital screen to lock the safe. There are 4 different symbols ( an arrow, a circle , a card and a lightning) but the code is composed of 3 symbols, with repetition.

      Fourth step

      Now head to the roof of the castle, you must insert one of the fuse you picked up earlier, in the central machine.

      Head to the other side of the machine and interact with the display to set it to “Protect”

      Fifth step

      Hellhounds should appear and a console near the clock tower should be turned on. If not, make sure you used at least once the Death Ray during this game.
      Symbols will display, you must enter the code you remembered steps ago, from top to bottom.

      If you enter the wrong code, you must go back to the teleporter and do the time travel again.

      Sixth step

      Head back underground in the teleporter’s room, the safe should have been opened now. You have to take two fuses and a card in it.

      Go back again on top of the castle and put the two fuses in thetwoTesla coils. On the sides they’ve got 3 fuses, on one of it there is a missing fuse. Place it.

      Now, you must reset the death ray back on “Destroy”.

      Seventh step

      For this step, you must play two memory games on two consoles on the map. When activating the console, 4 symbols will display, an Arrow , a Circle, a Card and a Lightning.
      After some seconds, they will shut down and a symbol will display on the main screen. You’ll have a couple of seconds to interact with the screen that was showing this symbol.

      – The first console is near the clock tower:

      – The second console is on the landing pad:

      If done well, each time you finish a memory game, the tesla coil should be glowing white.

      Be careful as since you activate the memory game until you finish it, unlimited hellhounds will spawn and rush at you. Oh, and if you fail the second memory game, you must restart the first one.

      My advise:Care about not killing the last zombie. To easily beat the memory game, repeat in your mind the order of the 4 symbols that you’ve seen at the beginning.

      Eight step

      Head back to the roof, again, and set, again, the death ray on “Protect”. Interact then with the green button behind the machine, and stay far from the second courtyard. :3

      The coils will hit the rocket that will crash in this courtyard, releasing Dempsey’s cryo cell.

      Come closer and pick up the Vrill generator near the crash.

      Ninth step

      Reach the teleporter and use it to travel through time again. If the teleporter isn’t glowing anymore, you’ll have to skip the round and do the second step again. :>

      Once teleported, you have to use a book at your right, that will open a crate near the exit (wich is closed by a dark wall). In the crate, grab the ornemented stone.

      Tenth step

      Read first

      Head underground, where you picked up the wrath of the ancients. Insert the golden rod in the grave.

      Doing so will spawn a ghost that will move on the map. He will stop at 4 spots and you will have to kill zombies while standing in a circle, with a particular bow.

      Oh and, infinite hellhounds will spawn until it’s over.

Easter Egg Part 7: Main Easter Egg Quest Part 2

When you stand in the circle, your screen will shine in a color that correspond to a bow (Check the third picture bellow), you must kill zombies with it. Just try to kill zombies with it and if a glowing ball leaves the dead this is the bow.

My advise: Just freaking spam your charged shot, until the ghost move.PanzerSoldat will come.

Another advise:If you are only 2 players, you can do it with 2 bows, but for the 4 spots, there will be 2 requiring bow A and 2 requiring bow B. You’d like to always have the lightning bow, as the charged shot is very, very powerful.

Don’t forget to place the stone in the slot, near Double-Tap.

If you are reading this buddy, congratulations, you’ve done a great leap forward. Now follow the ghost underground and place the blue glowing can picked up before near the pyramid.

Now you should wait before continuing as you’re about to step in the last battle. Grab a good weapon, your bow, Jugg. / Quick-Revive, fresh shield, ammos, and gubblegums (most likely after-taste)

Eleventh step

To reach the boss room, every players must place their Ragnarock DG-4 on the glowing blue tiles, that activated the anti-gravity earlier.

You will be teleported in a dark red closed circular room. For the moment, only skeletons (zombies with another skin), will spawn, just turn around and avoid them.

The boss will meanwhile attack you and sometimeshe will teleport in the middle of the room. After doing this, he will cast a very powerful electrical attack, that will (when released) kill everyone in the room.

To avoid this attack:

– You will not die if you are hidden behind a pillar.

– When he casts the attack, a glowing ball will appear in the center of the little hole. You’ll have to place a Ragnarock DG-4.

By placing the ragnarocks, the boss will be weaken and the symbol of his chest will glow. At this moment you can attack it.

My advise is to spam basic arrows instead of charged ones, as you will deal a higher amount of damage.

When you dealt enough damage to the boss he will disappear and some PanzerSoldats will chase you. When killed, the boss will come again.

Do this until he dies in a white flash, before being teleported again. This is easier to say, than to do. ;)

Twelfth step (Last step !)

Place the summoning key from Shadows of Evil in the pyramid, then pick it back up.

Climb up the stairs near the clock tower and place the key in the consoles where you entered a code earlier.

Doing this will unleash hell on the moon, cya Dr.Groph, enjoy the cinematic.

Congratulations, you’ve completed the easter egg ofDer Eisendrache !



Text and Pictures where taken from FreeMetal on

Luc André Koller2021-11-03T23:42:04+00:00
Der Eisendrache | EE-Guide | Eng (2024)
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Name: Aron Pacocha

Birthday: 1999-08-12

Address: 3808 Moen Corner, Gorczanyport, FL 67364-2074

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Job: Retail Consultant

Hobby: Jewelry making, Cooking, Gaming, Reading, Juggling, Cabaret, Origami

Introduction: My name is Aron Pacocha, I am a happy, tasty, innocent, proud, talented, courageous, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.