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Okay, scoop up this ring and quietly collect all those divine crystals from me Jiang Shi handed the divine crystal beast a ring and taught it how to use it.

Brother Jiang, you are so unkind You clearly told me that I can only refine high grade artifacts, but what happened Good guy, you actually made a weapon that is comparable to an innate spiritual treasure Nangong De looked shocked and stepped forward.

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Yun Sheng turned around and laughed, Huo Wu, what are you doing Anyway, you are promoted one step later than me Jiang Shi smiled bitterly, as great cbd gummies reviews these two living treasures came out of seclusion, it seemed that there would be no peace in the Wind and Thunder Tower Yun Sheng, Huo Wu, this is a gift for you Jiang Shi waved one hand, and the four artifacts flew away.

It seems that it is Master Dongpo who ascended after Li Bai Jiang Shi greeted everyone enthusiastically. Li Bai pulled Jiang Shi to a woman.

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Kill The attacking Heavenly Army rushed forward instantly, as well as the 200,000 troops under Lingshan. After the bloody battle, everyone was red eyed.

Their pupils instantly became dull, and their eyes stared blankly ahead. Six mysterious tones of Om, Mani, Padme, Hum, sounded in the air, and a golden light emitted from the entrance of the cave, attracting the four people of Chiang Kai shek Vaguely, Jiang Shi seemed to see six reincarnations, his past life, and his extraordinary power, fighting the heroes one step at a time.

A quarter of an hour later, the fire whale Yunsuo was only one thousand meters away from the black hole. For a moment, everyone became nervous.

The knife is faster Because he is very confident in the strength of his body Brother Ding Ye, you are very fast with your sword Jiang Shi said with a smile, I wonder if we can have a test to see who is faster You are very strong, much stronger than you appear Ding Ye Shen Sheng, then looked at Changsun Rong, who looked at Jiang Shi again, and then said In that case, there are many people here, let's go to the backyard Changsun Rong smiled bitterly.

During this period, layers of formations were interlocked and airtight Not even a fly can fly out Emperor Qiankun and Emperor Yinyang looked at the one hundred and eight elders and the millions of heavenly troops, and the corners of their mouths twitched.

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In this life, I will only recognize my parents on the earth As for the Wuji Holy Emperor of Jinluan City, huh, he does a good job Even his Holy Emperor, if he dares to mess with me, I will kill him Jiang Shi's eyes flashed with purple light, flames rose, and at this moment, his hair started to turn purple Ah Brother Jiang What's wrong with you Shang Qing'er was frightened.

Pa Jiang Shi slapped him in the face, and a clear voice sounded, Your father Your grandfather Humph, the underworld invaded the fairy world, Chixiong and other immortal kings were seriously injured.

At the moment of whoosh, the immortal puppet moved, dodged out at high speed, and punched three people in a row, hitting the left chest of three people respectively.

What about the top grade fairy weapons It's okay Grandma, get out of here Don't you know that your boss is short of everything here, except for immortal weapons Are you trying to make me angry Jiang Shi was furious and threw the ice The spirit bead was pulled out.

Long was not shocked, because every time Jiang Shi made a breakthrough, he would jump several levels in such a terrifying way, but Yin Yang and Qian Kun had their eyes widened This kid is not a human Even if his cultivation level has jumped four levels, his cultivation level is simply too terrifying In the distance, tens of millions of immortal troops who retreated also witnessed Jiang Shi's miraculous scene.

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At this moment, he put away his flaming golden gun and walked with the woman. Xiang Jiaoyun and Gong Chen have met the Emperor of Heaven The two saluted, and Jiang Shi stood up and laughed You two don't have to be like this, come and sit down I have long wanted to meet the two of you who were kind to me back then.

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He wanted to laugh at this moment. He didn't know where the Immortal Puppet got the courage to threaten him at this time.

Yang's rough hands. At this time, a woman came over. When Xiao Yangping saw it, he ran over happily and threw himself into the woman's arms. The mother woman picked up Xiao Yangping and walked to Jiang Shi, Master, we Although life is hard, I can't accept your things Jiang Shi was stunned for a moment, and said with a smile Girl, I don't have any other intentions, right Jiang Shi was stunned as he said that he felt a wave of emotion from the woman's body.

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Name: Madonna Wisozk

Birthday: 2001-02-23

Address: 656 Gerhold Summit, Sidneyberg, FL 78179-2512

Phone: +6742282696652

Job: Customer Banking Liaison

Hobby: Flower arranging, Yo-yoing, Tai chi, Rowing, Macrame, Urban exploration, Knife making

Introduction: My name is Madonna Wisozk, I am a attractive, healthy, thoughtful, faithful, open, vivacious, zany person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.