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When Yun Sheng heard this, he shrank his head in fright and sat next to Shu Yi. He didn't dare to talk nonsense anymore, but when he saw Jiang Shi being tortured by the five Youmeng girls, he suddenly laughed again.

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In fact, it was that simple The two women have long realized that a man like Jiang Shi will become the top strong man in the world sooner or later.

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Then he shouted again, Killing array, appear Huh The flames all over the sky faded, and the array Thousands of Jiang Shi appeared in the Dharma.

After the light faded, he turned into an albatross What Nine Emperors and Little Yuhuang stood up instantly, their eyes flashed with elite light, Impossible How could this person turn into an albatross This is not an illusion or a simulation, he actually turned into an albatross Is animale cbd gummies he actually an albatross Nine Emperors and Little Yuhuang were shocked and speculated one after another.

Are you sick The fairy world is in chaos, and the black shadows in the sky are invading the land of the fairy world, Huofang Pavilion, Junhong Pavilion While all the Immortal Emperors are already resisting desperately, the Ancient Family has also sent many soldiers and horses to rush towards Chenxing quickly Jiang Shi said in a deep voice, he raised his head and stared at the Zuishen Tower, No, we must find a way out As a member of the Immortal World, you must contribute to the Immortal World Everyone was shocked, but it seemed like Jiang Shi was joking, and with the sudden departure of Shangguan Yun and Wan Yishan before, it seemed that something big had happened Brother, it won't help if we go out We might as well stay here Shu Yi didn't have a good impression of the fairy world.

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Jiang Shi shook his head and followed Manshi. The magic star is extremely prosperous, and there is an endless stream of people coming and going in the city.

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He didn't expect that the handsome Xiao Yu turned out to be a ruffian This Xiao Yu looks serious on the outside, but he turns out to be one of your three gangsters Jiang Shi said with a smile.

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No one knows how high the Blind Emperor's cultivation level is If we want to rescue them, we can only work together in the fairy world to open the passage between the star fantasy world and the fairy world and take them out The Blind Emperor had already thought of a countermeasure, otherwise he wouldn't have come.

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After coming out, Jiang Shi looked at the stone gate in shock and saw those pictures carved on the stone gate It turns out this is a coordinate Jiang Shi suddenly realized, secretly admiring the foresight of the Ant King and Ant Queen.

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Jiang Shi sighed in his heart, wondering when he would be able to give them a status. Now in the fairy world, it seems peaceful, but Jiang Shi knows that Emperor Qiankun and Emperor Yinyang will not let him go Because he will not let them go Although he destroyed Huofang Pavilion and killed the master of Junhong Pavilion a few days ago, as the two masterminds behind the scenes, Jiang Shi would never let them go Night comes quietly, silently and without trace.

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The Demon Shadow Emperor has ordered me to come and lure you After saying that, the group of black shadows took off into the sky, and I was not afraid that Manshi would not follow.

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Yan Chen was alone and said calmly Master of Tianmen, come out and talk Master, Yan Chen came out alone and said he wanted to talk to you Shu Yi came to Jiang Shi and whispered.

Have you heard The big hand that popped up in the air before was transformed by a Da Luo Jinxian, and what he took away was the fragment of the God Killing Picture Of course I heard about it The news about the God Killing Picture is in the fairy world.

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She quietly retreated, hiding behind Jiang Shi, and naughtyly snuggled up next to Jiang Shi. At this time, the tofu Xishi also saw Jiang Shi and the two of them.

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Everyone was overjoyed. They grabbed each box like a bandit and quickly opened it to look at it. Lingling repeatedly exclaimed, Wow, not only is there a communication spirit bead, but also a space ring, and Yunsuo This is Yunsuo Hehe Hee Huh There is also an astrolabe Everyone was moved and looked at each other with thanks.

As the Immortal of Luo Tian, she tried two moves in a row, but they were all broken by Jiang Shi Suddenly I realized that Jiang Shi was really not a simple character Huh Ximen Bing'ao unfolded his immortal consciousness and mobilized the water vapor here.

Okay, you are so old and you are still crying Aunt Fang looked at Teng Qingfeng with a kind face. At this time, Uncle Teng came forward.

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beside him. Everyone retreated, and Jiang Shi sat alone on the roof drinking a small drink. He looked up and saw the stars in the sky, reflecting the sadness in Jiang Shi's heart, God Realm, Qin'er, when can I reach the God Realm to find you That night, Jiang Shi Cbd Cannabis Gummies was drunk and slept quietly on the roof, enduring loneliness and loneliness alone.

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Yun Sheng, follow in secret I'll cover you Jiang Shi called Yun Sheng, and at the same time he waved his hand, and thirty low grade divine crystals shot out, Invert the Universe Formation, rise Jiang Shi shouted, A huge barrier surrounded them, and Yun Sheng saw the opportunity and ran away.

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Jiang Shi looked at it all indifferently, without any sense of playfulness that a young man should have. Jiang Shi was dressed in red.

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let those bastards who want to pay attention to that, stop thinking early. The Golden Dragon Emperor's pupils kept shrinking, and golden light flashed from time to time.

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it's just a garbage dump Your life is destined to be pinned down by me Your life is like that sh*t, you worked hard for a long time, but in the end it was a fart Look at your bearish appearance, He has a big head, a thick neck, and moves like a pig For a moment, the entire audience was speechless.

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Name: Dean Jakubowski Ret

Birthday: 1996-05-10

Address: Apt. 425 4346 Santiago Islands, Shariside, AK 38830-1874

Phone: +96313309894162

Job: Legacy Sales Designer

Hobby: Baseball, Wood carving, Candle making, Jigsaw puzzles, Lacemaking, Parkour, Drawing

Introduction: My name is Dean Jakubowski Ret, I am a enthusiastic, friendly, homely, handsome, zealous, brainy, elegant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.